17 August 2007


This Web host pulled the site ... but it WAS there and I guarantee it WILL be back. Any of you who STILL don't understand we're in a war ... well, I hope you're happy never leaving home.

"The popular Islamist-jihadist forum www.alhesbah.org, hosted by RealWebHost in Texas, U.S., recently posted an anonymously written document from 2003 titled "The Excellent Summary of the Rules of the Art of Kidnapping Americans." The 60-page guide describes each stage of the kidnapping, explaining how to select the target and then how to follow him, seize him, transport him to a safe location, and hold him there, as well as how to conduct negotiations. The guide also explains how to execute the hostage should negotiations fail."

The guide also explains that if it becomes necessary to execute the hostage, this is best done by hanging or poisoning rather than by shooting because soldiers regard death by shooting as honorable and shooting leaves considerable blood at the scene. I asume that goes for beheadings in which someone's head is sawed off (not chopped with a well-honed blade like some bullshit ninja/Sinbad crap).

It's 0130 hours in Baghdad. You're at home watching Friends reruns. If you say a single word against our country and the Long War, you should have the decency to eat a gun.

Nuke Iran

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