06 September 2007


U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero sided with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which argued that an FBI letter requesting information -- called a National Security Letter -- is effectively a gag order but without the authorization of a judge.

Oh, dee-effin-lightful. So let's see if I can extrapolate this. The FBI can't ask people it asks to do work for them on a consulting basis or asks for info to keep their yaps shut because those who will never do anything for their country in any altruistic form have decided it's unconstitutional to have them sign something that says they have to keep their mouths shut ... and they got some schmuck judge to agree with them.

Oh, thank you anon, ACLU. I get such a warm, fuzzy and safe feeling with you guys watching out for my rights to get killed by assholes.

What would we do without you?

Five days before the anniversary, and there are still idiots out there who don't get it.

Oh well. Perhaps we'll get lucky and they'll get to choose whether to burn to death or leap out a 1000-foot building this time.


Nuke Iran ...and Syria

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