20 September 2007


Modern warfare is different.

A company in the UK (there's a branch in Louisiana as well) has a new kind of wall that can be filled by machine and provide the same — actually it would seem to be better — protection the venerable old sandbag wall provided.

It's manufactured by a company called Hesco Bastion and is a collapsible, segemented, joinable, unit that folds flat for transport and when expanded can be filled with dirt, rock, concrete and — yes — sand.

Any of you who have ever been on sandbag duty — sliced fingers, swollen forearms, broken noses, dirt-encrusted facial orifices, etc. — will appreciate this.

The DoD has just given the company a 90-day contract (obviously this works and that's why they only received a 90 dayer. If it didn't work, the contract would probably have been for years!!!).

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