24 April 2009


If you're so sotted with the Obama Administration's inability to put together anything resembling a functional government with policies that make any kind of sense, you probably missed the hullabaloo over Ms. Susan Boyle, the Scottish 40-ish-year-old who took the British version of American Idol (Actually, American Idol took it from the British version, but judge Simon Cowell is on both, so who gives a shit) by storm.

Ms Boyle wowed the audience and judges with her performances (see, somewhere on this site. And get a life), and just recently had a "makeover" and the ol' girl looks pretty good. Too bad we won't be able to see her appearances here, except on line, because I, for one, would definitely be willing to watch. Does anyone in the video medium (i.e., the telly) have any brains? There's a blockbuster waiting to happen.

Ah, the Mother Country still can teach us a few tricks.

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