07 April 2009


Here’s from the Red Cross on the detainee torture the CIA conducted, about which the MSM and assorted liberal weenies have had their knickers in an uproar.

Let’s see these poor innocent terrorists were ... subjected to continuous solitary confinement and incommunicado detention, water boarding, continuous standing, beatings, confinement in a box, prolonged nudity, sleep deprivation, exposure to cold temperatures, prolonged shackling, threats of ill-treatment, forced shaving and deprivation of solid food. Oh, and they were also only given limited time with the Koran.

Now, having been in the military, I experienced — at the hands of our DIs and other trainers — incommunicado detention, continuous standing (and I was once placed in an extended push-up position for over 45 minutes for wiping my nose), beatings, sleep deprivation, exposure to cold temperatures and threats of ill treatment (hah!). I was never given limited time — or any time I can recall — with a Bible.

And when it came to actual combat, I was deprived of food and water while I was out on missions (once for three days, heart be still); suffered sleep deprivation every night; operated under the threat of torture and death; was exposed to heat,cold, rain and every god-awful biting insect the world knows about (not to mention being stalked by tigers); and ... well, I would have traded it all in for periods of prolonged nudity and confinement in a small space.

Admittedly, none of it was any fun, but, here’s a secret …. IT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE!


As for water boarding … knock, knock, knock, McFly … our people wanted information those people had. My guess is they got it. ANd I'll also guess the traumatized terrorists survived the ordeal.

Tough shit … betcha’ anything the spooks did beats the shit out of having your head sawed off while you’re alive. Or being married to a fundamentalist muslim.

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