01 September 2010


I don't know how many of you readers are from Nassau County, New York ... or how many of you can vote for the Attorney General of New York State, but there's this good-looking redhead (I'm partial to redheads) named Kathleen Rice running for that position.

She's getting some bad press from most of the established parties and media, which, by itself, should recommend her.

That said ... I happen to have a very personal relationship with an exceptionally good criminal defense attorney, who — when asked about where is the best place to get arrested — noted that "any place in New York except Nassau County."

Knowing the guy — and the work he does — as well as I do, I can only say that Ms Rice — aside from being a hot looking redhead — will have my vote should I get a chance to cast one for her.

Most of the pics being published are less than flattering, so you know everyone is pissed off at her. But above is pretty good one.

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