28 March 2018


Being that I understand the heart of the Second Amendment — to keep the people of the United States able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government — I’m coming down on bumpstocks this way:

There ain’t NO fucking reason in the world why you need one. Or why they should be legal.

Hear me out.

If the shit hits the fan — i.e., we “have” to protect ourselves against government troops — chances are most of us are going to die. I say that from a POV of having survived a considerable amount of combat in which large groups of my bad guys endeavored to kill small groups of my good guys.

We (the good guys) happened to be successful — by and large — in not dying and killing remarkably larger amounts of bad guys, than they killed us. But that’s mostly because we were able to do to them what they always tried to do to our guys.

That said.

I have whatever arms I have. They are sufficient IMO.

I’m pretty sure — even at this advanced age — that there’s an awfully good chance I’ll be able to appropriate a gun from a dead guy who was formerly trying to make me a dead guy.

Now … when I was doing this sort of shit for a living, some of us liked to — in some cases, had to — use the same type weaponry that belong to our enemies. We usually obtained these weapons by killing the guy who formerly owned the weapon.

The hard part in a lot of cases was keeping enough quality ammo for the weapon to carry it back into combat. Communist block ammunition was notoriously shitty, and the last thing you needed was bullets that didn’t work. Even if their guns always did (we're talking AK-47s here).

So. You’ve stockpiled enough .223 to keep you to doomsday. However … auto sucks, and bumpstocks suck because they make semis auto. And you will run out of .223 faster than shit on full auto or bumpstock auto.

With the exception of an on-point contact — in which you dump a full mag to stay alive — automatic weaponry sucks and isn’t effective. Regardless of what you’ve seen in the movies.

Not trying to brag, but I’ve been in some shitstorms of 20-feet-away, 20- or 25-to-one firefights and never used anything other than semi-auto. Apparently, we (me and three other guys) were successful, because I’m actually writing this horseshit.

So. You don’t need a bumpstock or a full auto weapon. And, if you’re actually good at what you do, you’ll be able to get one.

What you need is to do is stay in shape (said this fat, old guy), know your weapon, and be ready to kill a living human being. Not everyone can, and not everyone will (mainly because it’s one of the most terrible things you’ll ever have to live with. If it isn’t, then you’re a sociopath and you REALLY shouldn’t own a bumpstock or a full-auto weapon).

That’s my opinion. And I've sure as shit been there, done that.

HERE's  a link to what I consider one of the best videos on bumpstocks ... and why YOU don't need one. 

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