24 March 2018


I admire the fact that the youth of America decided to make a stand, even though I don't think they actually understand what "stand" they're going for.

Unfortunately, they were led by ADULTS with an agenda. 

Had they pulled this off as kids I would have applauded it, and possibly even agreed with them. But when EVERY news media outlet covered it as if it was God speaking to the non-believers, it lost its potency. 


But what you don't understand is that you've been CO-OPTED (look it up) by a bunch of scummy adults with an agenda. 

You are being used ...just like every generation is used by ADULTS who have money sunk into why they want something. The adults DON'T GIVE SHIT if you die (in school or anywhere else. You're fodder)— that's why young guys go to war — adults just want to make MONEY ...and now they're going to make it off you. 

YOU mean well. LOOK beneath how you were able to pull this off.

WHO paid for the busses. WHO paid for the rooms. WHO paid for the signs. And MOST OF ALL ....what exactly does the Second Amendment mean? 

Even more importantly ... what state allows the purchase of "assault weapons?" (as far as I know, none!).

There are adults who have $$$$$$ invested in you buying BS ... LOOK at who's using you. PLEASE. 

You are important. 

You wanna change things? Change the voting/legal age. Stop thinking the Internet is more important than learning. LEARN history. And the next time some asshole runs for a position run against him. 

You wanna CHANGE THINGS? Marching won't do it. Get politically active and kick all us old guy's asses. I'm 69 years old ...I quit college when was 18 and joined the Army. I did three combat tours in Vietnam (did you learn about that Vietnam in school?), got spit at, kicked some ass, and learned to live with it. 

YOU KNOW WHO STOPPED THAT WAR? A bunch of kids. And that's a fact. A war we were winning got stopped by a ZILLION KIDS (all led by a bunch of fucked-up adults). But YOU CAN do it.

BUT ... marching won't do it. Get involved, learn history, learn the law, learn business, tell your teachers to stop catering to the dumb-fucks in your class. KNOWLEDGE wins.

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