26 March 2018


Two broads — yeah, broads. You don't like that, too bad — got paid $130 and $150 grand each (!) to bang a rich guy who eventually became the President of the US. And they're complaining about it, and this ISN'T politically driven?

Meanwhile, a lot of other guys who were president were banging them a dime-a-dozen while they were IN the White House (and also married) ? THOSE woman should be complaining ! (Unless they got paid more!)

But God forbid we deal with truth!

Wanna' know what REAL journalism is?

Doing stories on all the other presidents who were actually President when they were using the Secret Service as pimps. You can go back to Camelot and waaaaaay before that.

God forbid.

The media and the liberal "establishment" (in quotes because there IS no "liberal establishment." They're just pimps getting teenagers to do their jobs) are the scum of the earth.

You gotta love this shit.

President Trump oughta' get up and say, "Hey, guess what. I banged the two of them, it was morally wrong because I was married, I apologize to my wife, now go fuck yourselves."

Man up. You'll be one of the first presidents to do so. And you'll STILL get elected for another term.

What have the fuck-heads on the left to offer that's better than you?

Nada (wall or not!) .

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