Showing posts with label ACLU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACLU. Show all posts

23 February 2011


Once again proving you can't make this shit up and truth is stranger than ANY fiction.

And get the line, "...special emphasis on individuals who have visited Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen."

Golly gee, I wonder why?

Fucking ACLU and fucking wogs. Straight out of the terrorist playbook: use their own laws against them.

If some asshole liberal Ninth Circuit judge buys this shit — and of course one will or they wouldn't have filed this in San Fran Nan's backyard — it's time to go to the mattresses and finish this in a muslim-fifth century sorta' way.

(CNN) -- The California chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the ACLU say they will announce a federal class action lawsuit Wednesday against the FBI for "illegal surveillance of the Muslim community."
The council's San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento offices began documenting FBI surveillance practices last year.
"In recent months, there has been a notable increase in complaints by community members of FBI visits," the offices said in July.
It said that Muslims of varying ethnic and geographic background have reported visits by FBI agents.
"We have seen a special emphasis on individuals who have ties to, or have visited Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen," it said.
The California chapters said it was conducting the project, in conjunction with the ACLU and the Asian Law Caucus, to identify pattens of "overly intrusive conduct."

24 August 2010


The ACLU is "questioning" the propriety of a new form of pat down frisk being introduced at Boston's Logan, and Vegas' McCarran airports.

Apparently, the previous method was for TSA employees to use the back of the hand. The new "enhanced" version allows them to use the front (palm-side) instead.

Duh, Doh, and fondle my cojones if you want.

This is only for those aluminum-cap wearing folks who don't want to go through the metal detectors ... apparently they have inalienable rights not to be bombarded with cosmic rays, etc., et al.

Those always-looking-out-for-us geniuses at the ACLU say it's just another "erosion" of our right to privacy.

Personally, I think the new hand search is another "construct" of my right to not be blown up or flown into a building while flying from place to place.

But, hey, that's just me.

26 August 2009


No, tell me it's not true! Not the ACLU!

Why, they fight for right and ... and ... other stupid liberal stuff having no support in the mainstream, but they'd never ... no ....never ... not the ACLU.

My ass.

Check out Michelle Malkin's column HERE.

Thanks to AS of Rocky Point for the heads up.

16 June 2009


The ACLU released a report today that said the U.S. government’s crackdown on terrorism financing has hampered the religious freedom of American Muslims by making it difficult for them to donate to Islamic charities.

Uh, how has a crackdown on charities financing terrorist groups done this?

By scaring Muslims according to the report.

Uh, tough shit. If you're afraid of donating money to charitable groups, there has to be a reason why you'd be afraid.

Could that reason be that you're afraid they may be giving money to people who want to kill Americans and thereby identify you as someone who is supporting terrorism?

Well, that's pretty astute thinking there, Sparky.

God, I hate the ACLU. How come they haven't sued Saudi Arabia or anyplace else those 9/11 shitheads came from for taking away the civil rights of the Americans who died that day?

What scum.