06 April 2009


While I understand that not all muslims in the world are Ludittic 5th century-mentality assholes, having our newest C-i-C tell them we're "not at war with Islam," does nothing to help the situation in which we find ourselves; i.e., the global war on terror (another phrase our erstwhile leader abhors and will no longer use).

If President Obama, really intended to represent this country and the people who die protecting it, he would have said "we're not at war with your religion, just the idiots in it who have hi-jacked it, and those among you who have allowed this hi-jacking."

Those would be the words of a man — and a President — I could respect.

But alas ... he's just another chicken-shit, out-for-personal-power, socialist liberal shit,just like the far right portrays him.

I think I'll quote a true believer of Islam on this, Salmon Rushdie.

"If this isn't about Islam, why the worldwide Muslim demonstrations in support of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda? Why did [those] 10,000 men armed with swords and axes mass on the Pakistan-Afghanistan frontier, answering some mullah's call to jihad?"

Read the rest of Rushdie's comments HERE

President Barrack Hussein Obama ... what a joke.

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